Pet Insurance for the Cocker Spaniel

Pet Insurance for the Cocker Spaniel

Pet Insurance for the Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is one of the few dog breeds that originated in the United States (many other dog breeds originated in Europe). They were initially used for flushing birds and retrieving other small game alongside their hunting owners. Later, they became even more popular with families looking for a nice family companion and continue to serve this purpose today. They have remained one of the most popular dog breed of all time in the United States.

There are three different color varieties of Cocker Spaniel. The first is black, which can come in solid black or black and tan. The second is called ASCOB, which is any solid color other than black, including cream, red and brown. The third is called Particolor, which is any solid color that includes portions of white.

All three varieties have the same disposition and temperament. They are friendly and affectionate, making great companions for many different types of families. They are also active for a small dog and can keep up with an active lifestyle. They are smart dogs and can be trained quite easily. Some tend to bark and some tend to be overly submissive, so depending, they can be either a great watchdog or a terrible one.

Because of the long wavy hair these dogs possess, they require a lot of grooming. Their coat needs to be brushed at least two times a week and needs professional clipping every two or three months. Their long hair also covers their ears, and that can cause ear issues. Cocker Spaniel owners need to pay attention to their pet's ears and make sure they are clean and healthy at all times.

Pet Insurance for the Cocker Spaniel
Pet Insurance for the Cocker Spaniel
Some of the most common health conditions these dogs suffer from include eye problems, ear problems (as noted above), patellar luxation (knee issues), and seborrhea (a skin condition). Many owners choose to invest in pet insurance to help offset costs associated with treating these health issues, as well as any other issues or accidents that may occur. If these dogs are kept healthy and any issues are treated, they are known to live between twelve and fifteen years old.

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